Prayer for a New Job

Please pray for me that the Lord will open the door for a new job. Pray that He will help me to find favor with the right employer.

Anonymous 6/27/13

Categories Prayer Request | Tags: | Posted on July 6, 2013

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1 Comment

  1. by Gerald

    On October 5, 2014

    Dear Nancy, Our prayers go out to you and your situation. You have suffered much and I know how much God the Father wants to wrap you up in His loving hands and console you and heal your wounded heart. What you clearly express is that you have difficulty with faith. In believading that God loves you personally as His child and that He wants to heal you. I hear the words of Jesus on the Cross, “My God, my God why have you forsaken me.” Jesus knows the feelings of despair. He has felt them all, otherwise He could not completely redeem us and all our experiences. He assumed all to save all. However, in the Gospels He calls us to have faith. Where there was little faith, there were few miracles. In my experience as a priest, many times I have seen that the door opens to healing when one looks to childhood and sees the first wounds of the heart. It is there that the first walls were built up. The walls that dont let anybody in, not even God. He wont force Himself on us and that is why it is sometimes confusing why He doesnt heal our present situation. What can happen is that the little child can stop crying and say to himself or herself (consciously or subconsciously), “I wont let anyadbody else hurt me.” The heart is held bound by such a promise until it is renounced. One can also be commanded by ones parents not to cry and were never given permission to communicate the hurts one felt. “Big girls dont cry” or other cliches that are lies and hurtful to emotional growth. I personally heard “Where is the blood?” when I tried to express the hurts I felt. It is hard to know exactly what could be the block to you being healed, but I would recommend a few steps.
    1. Ask God for the gift of faith and trust that He has given it to you.
    2. If you are Catholic I would go to Confession and examine your life to make sure you are working to live a moral life as is indicated by the Gospels, especially in the area of forgiveness. If we hate and resent others this can be a great obstacle to healing. Then go to Eucharist often asking the Lord to ever come deeper into your heart. To all the dark, lonely, empty, wounded parts. Dont be afraid. He is always very gentle.
    3. Spend time in prayer in silence in a calm, special place (I recommend before the Blessed Sacrament in adoration if it is available to you).
    4. It sounds like you may be aware of ALANON Which is for the family members of addicts. Attend the meetings and there are some great tapes by Fr. Emmaderadick on the 12 Steps and Detaching with Love.
    5. Remember the man in the Gospel who was ill for 38 years. Jesus asked him, “Do you want to be healed?” This may sound strange but we can be so accustomed to the disorder around us that we can have an unconscious fear of real change. Ask God for the courage to change if this is the case.

    May God console you, guide you, heal you and strenghten you and may the saints intercede for you on your journey.

    Fr. Isaac

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